Thursday, April 21, 2011

Levin-Cobun Senate Report Skewers Goldman Sachs

According to this recently released senate report:

"The evidence discloses troubling and sometimes abusive practices which show, first, that Goldman knowingly sold high risk, poor quality mortgage products to clients around the world, saturating financial markets with complex, financially engineered instruments that magnified risk and losses when their underlying assets began to fail. Second, it shows multiple conflicts of interest surrounding Goldman’s securitization activities, including its use of CDOs to transfer billions of dollars of risk to investors, assist a favored client make a $1 billion gain at the expense of other clients, and produce its own proprietary gains at the expense of the clients to whom Goldman sold its CDO securities.

Under Goldman’s sales policies and procedures, an affirmative action by Goldman personnel to sell a specific investment to a specific customer constituted a recommendation of that investment. Under federal securities law, when acting as an underwriter, placement agent, or 2007 broker-dealer recommending an investment to a customer, Goldman had an obligation to sell investments that were suitable for any investor and were not designed to fail. When acting in those roles and affirmatively soliciting clients to buy securities, Goldman also had an obligation to disclose material information that a reasonable investor would want to know, including material conflicts of interest or adverse interests in connection with its sale of a security."

Source: Wall Street & the Financial Crisis - Anatomy of a Financial Collapse, pg. 476