Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Manufacture a Crisis and Destroy Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security

The Republican party is going through unprecedented steps to dismantle programs they have long disagreed with—Mediare, Medicaid and Social Security.  Their playbook is simple and audacious:
  1. Starve the beast—spend like crazy for wars and tax breaks for the rich.
  2. Create a crisis, perceived or actual, related to budgetary concerns (see Shock Doctrine).
  3. Implement mandatory cuts in programs they have long wanted to destroy.
  4. Leave tax cuts and loop holes for the rich in place.
  5. Cement it all with a biased constitutional amendment.
  6. Sit back and let the automatic carnage, spending caps, decimate the middle class.
  7. Collect their donations from the special interests.
  8. Blame the backlash on automatic provisions in their bills and amendments.
They have gotten to step two and they might be able to pull it off if they can actually create the crisis.  Republicans are acting in their own self interests and not in the country's interests.  For the country's sake, let's hope they fail miserably and Americans can really see where Republicans stand and what they don't stand for.