Wednesday, November 16, 2011

U.S. Fucked Up, Is There Really Any Doubt?

The U.S. committed a war crime when it "preemptively" attacked Iraq.  There is no doubt that American sheep were fed propaganda and lied to in a planned and systematic way.  Remember the talk of "mushroom clouds?"  How it was just a matter of time before Saddam Hussein would attack the U.S. with "weapons of mass destruction?"  How the whole world was at risk?  It was all lie!  There was no accountability and we know it at  some level even though the perpetrators seem to have gotten away with it.  History will catch up to the criminals Bush and Cheney, but in the mean time they, or their mouthpieces, should not be allowed to revise this history and the incontrovertible evidence that the Iraq war was based on falsehoods.  History will prove it.  I just hope not too late!